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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Any Good News?

My daily habit?

Thumbing through.

My daily question?

Where is the good news?

No really where is the good news?

Where is it?!

As I thumb through the electronic news, among other things, I see informative yet ever so gloomy, slanted, and distorted stories/images; it’s damn near depressing. Someone, something, needs to change this; where what you sift through, the images and words that are shown to you make you better.

Business Insider, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, CNN, and a multitude of media sound bites flood minds with just, not so good news more often than not. I guess it is safe to say there should be a safe haven someone in this world could go to that gives hope, heals, inspires, mends, and encourages their mind; plant a conscious seed; a revolution.

Sensationalism sells, works, and has been at the forefront of any type of entertainment for, well anyone know a guy named William Randolph Hearst? If not, let’s just say sensationalism and biased views have been around for some time now. Notably so, good sells too. Very well; there is a reason why certain shows, ads, stories, movies, messages that appeal to the natural sense and thirst for feeling good and feeling whole are so much more memorable than others. The push, despite the resistance a positive concept is up against, the positive creativity, and sheer persistence entitled does have a greater impact on you. In fact, hope and love (the good stuff) are unfailingly the most powerful intangibles ever known.

“Yea, but whether toxic or harmless, as long as it is original, different, and your attention is caught”; I get it, whatever yanks you yanks you. Sure…

But for the sake of concern can I challenge you?

I need to challenge you, the nonchalant in you. What is out there that is actually feeding your subconscious with good news? What is out there that is restructuring your thoughts for the sole purpose of enriching the soul. More of this information should be what is being thumbed through.  

Ha! If only all that streams along is noteworthy. It almost takes the trite seemingly unimportant catch phrase, “You need a light?” to another level.

I guess “good” is one’s own definition; it all falls back on you one could say. Maybe, but with careful thought on this topic, it makes me want to dive into an ongoing and connecting topic that keeps crossing through my everyday life: Traditionalists vs. progressives. The age old versus; it is the very essence of what has us in this very time and space. With this comes a creative light and creative sense. What has been done and what will be done must be different. Tapping into a place that gives someone hope, breeds infinite happiness, and bleeds a rich feeling of goodness. We must get there as we move out of the tradition of the now.

What makes you stick to tradition traditionalist? Does it keep you safe? Is it because you are addicted to already knowing the outcome? “I’m going to stick to what works because everyone before me did and they turned out ‘right’?” – Is this you? It was sort of me at one point in time. Until, well, until that got boring, until what I saw and heard was negative and predictable, until I went insane.

Until there was no more good news.

Yes, oh yes the strong hold of tradition. It sort of scars you, tradition does. You become two dimensional eventually; it is tough to grow through tradition.

How do you soar progressives? Is it because you do not wait for a “soon” or “in time” moment? Do you make your “then” a “now”? I might ask what is it that does not stop you as oppose to a traditionalist who I might ask what is it that does stop you? Do you ever think twice about the next step? Do you ever get exhausted with the ever moving ever changing goals/feats you feel you must constantly reach? Progressives are creative traditionally. Go figure. How does one even know or understand if they are/can be creative or not? How is one capable of recognizing, absorbing, and creating good news?

Through my readings I have come across a couple of questions that may help you figure this out. Take your time, be honest, and ask this of yourself:

“Are you suddenly full of ideas, or suddenly without an idea at all? What might cause a sudden spurt of creativity, or a long period of drought? What in particular was going on in your life that you may have been unaware of at the time but in retrospect was highly important in your creative effort? When do you consider the work ‘finished’? When your work is ‘finished,’ do you feel finished with it? How do you feel at the end of the day? Are you most productive when you are feeling happy? Do you suffer if you are not?”(Creators on Creating: Awakening and Cultivating the Imaginative Mind, Federico Fellini)


Let this be your good news. Or better yet, let this be yours, your little piece of light; something that is telling you, “hey, I understand and this will help with your fight against that sinking aura, the utter frustration in what you see every day.”

When you are thumbing through the electronic news, social timelines, your phone and you, for the life of you, cannot shake that solitude; you cannot shake that headache, that uncomfortable web, that pure feeling of not so goodness, know that somewhere out there is something that can inspire you for the better. I’m no Shakespeare (what a genius I might add) but I am sure he too wanted and needed to be the change he wanted and needed to see; a progressive.
